Monday, January 7, 2013

Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02/3 Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam 

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Originally the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam was designed to be used in conjunction with 3 striker packs, the Aile Striker (reviewed last week), the Sword striker and the Launcher striker. The FX550-Skygrasper (unbuilt cause I care little for it) was designed to transport these packs while in the midst of battle, giving the Strike no need to come back to the ship to recharge battery or switch out packs.

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam 

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The Sword Strike first appeared in episode 2 to fend off a GINN using D-equipment. this pack is regarded as being an unlucky pack and was never used again after Kira killed a certain pilot with it.

For more info on the unit itself visit:
Gundam Wiki: Sword Strike

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Whether lucky or not, the Sword Strike pack is in my opinion the most bad ass of the 3. That Schwert Gewehr measures to almost 16 meters in length and it cuts trough ships o.o

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The kit itself is gorgeous, the strike's poseability allows for this Striker pack to be displayed beautifully, the only complaint I have thus far, is that the hands that come with the swords striker can't really pull very dynamic poses since they tend to come apart. That being said, everything about this add-on is amazing, the colors are very well done, there's 2 different shades of blue and some black, the stickers really make the details pop.

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*spoiler* This was the last thing Nicol saw

This certain pose took me about 30 min to figure out, so it won't be leaving the shelves for a while.... lies I just thought about another pose, so I might take more pics later.

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Wish the sword would've been a tad longer

Prepare yourself for a plethora of stickers... I thought that since this was an add-on and not the kit itself, the weapons wouldn't have as many decals as the actual Skygrasper... boy was I wrong.

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Onto its counterpart...

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam

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The Launcher Strike first appeared in episode 2 where it was used to tear a whole trough a colony (though not on purpose). At the sight of the immense power of the Agni cannon, Le Creuset thought to himself "what were they thinking, giving this much firepower to a mobile suit".

For more info on the unit itself visit:
Gundam Wiki: Launcher Strike

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Another million frigging stickers, but the Agni cannon looks splendid, I wish the cannon itself would've had more details, but instead the shiny specs of it are added by silver and golden stickers, the body of the cannon is one color of green, with some yellow and red details.

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Wasn't really too creative posing this one, all I could think about was the blowing up Le Creuset's GINN scene, anyway it looks badass just standing there in all of its glory :D

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My thoughts:

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As you can see, I wanted to display all three so I bought me 3 RG strikes + 1 Skygrasper, not recommended unless you really feel the need to.
They all have obviously the same articulation, but the packs with the most poseability are the sword strike and the Aile strike, I think the sword strike looks more impressive, but beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
To be honest, if I had just bought one Aile Strike, I would've probably displayed them as the perfect strike, there's so much you can do with this set of kits, too many options and combinations, so I just decided to make life easier for me and displayed them all at once :D

I mentioned before that the Aile strike is a must buy, the Skygrasper pack however is completely optional, since it really does not come with a new unit and its costs the same as any other real grade (unlike its MG counterpart which brings the strike Gundam and the launcher/sword packs).
If you do decide to purchase this kit but no additional aile strikes, you can either display the perfect strike (since it's now canon) or choose one of the three while the skygrasper holds the other pack, entirely up to you.

I would recommend buying it, just cause of the sheer amusement of putting them together, the packs allow for so much versatility that you can spend hours posing it how you want.